Why is this stickied, AGAIN? You should see modmail! So. The happy, friendly, squeaky plastic toy ban hammer is out on this Xmas day. This doesn't apply to 99.999% of y'all. Just a happy post poking fun at these persistently retarded people. LEARN OUR COMMS, NEWBS! Santa is coming HERE!
Happy hollandaise, frogs! 🐸
Why is this stickied, AGAIN? You should see modmail! So. The happy, friendly, squeaky plastic toy ban hammer is out on this Xmas day. This doesn't apply to 99.999% of y'all. Just a happy post poking fun at these persistently retarded people. LEARN OUR COMMS, NEWBS! Santa is ^coming^ HERE!
Happy hollandaise, frogs! 🐸
Why is this stickied, AGAIN? You should see modmail! So. The happy, friendly, squeaky plastic toy ban hammer is out on this Xmas day. This doesn't apply to 99.999% of y'all. Just a happy post poking fun at these persistently retarded people. LEARN OUR COMMS, NEWBS! Santa is ~coming~ HERE!
Happy hollandaise, frogs! 🐸
Why is this stickied? Because the happy, friendly, squeaky plastic toy ban hammer is out. This doesn't apply to 99.999% of y'all. Just a happy post poking fun at these people. LEARN OUR COMMS, NEWBS! Santa is coming!
Happy hollandaise, frogs! 🐸