Thank you for sharing your views. Whether your positions are true or not, anybody who could actually enjoy THIS SHOW would have to be mentally ill. There is immeasurable real and permanent damage being done, and real suffering inflicted upon innocent and ignorant people. I don't care if Q said that, it is a sinister statement in my view. Enjoy the war, where millions die, millions are damaged for life, and billions suffer. Best show ever - if you're sick in the head. Sorry, while I do remain optimistic that the world ends up in a better place - this actual show SUCKS and if it were a movie I would have walked out of the theater 5% in. Imagine the worst show you've ever seen, and being strapped to a chair and forced to watch 15,000 hours of it straight. Sure, even the worst shows have redeeming qualities you can focus on to make them less horrible. But that doesn't change the fact that they suck!
I will remain completely optimistic and powerful, but I will absolutely not enjoy this stupid, evil show. If it is necessary, then it is a necessary evil to stave off a much worse evil.
And I will end with - they are stupid. They haven't watched enough shows. Very few of them end well for the bad guys, even if they think they are the good guys. Evil (however intelligent) falls under the category of absolute stupidity to me.
Thank you for sharing your views. Whether your positions are true or not, anybody who could actually enjoy THIS SHOW would have to be mentally ill. There is immeasurable real and permanent damage being done, and real suffering inflicted upon innocent and ignorant people. I don't care if Q said that, it is a sinister statement in my view. Enjoy the war, where millions die, millions are damaged for life, and billions suffer. Best show ever - if you're sick in the head. Sorry, while I do remain optimistic that the world ends up in a better place - this actual show SUCKS and if it were a movie I would have walked out of the theater 5% in. Imagine the worst show you've ever seen, and being strapped to a chair and forced to watch 15,000 hours of it straight. Sure, even the worst shows have redeeming qualities you can focus on to make them less horrible. But that doesn't change the fact that they suck!
I will remain completely optimistic and powerful, but I will absolutely not enjoy this stupid, evil show. If it is necessary, then it is a necessary evil to stave off a much worse evil.
And I will end with - they are stupid. They haven't watched enough shows. Very few of them end well for the bad guys, even if they think they are the good guys. Evil (however intelligent) falls under the category of absolutely stupidity to me.