The biggest story in the world should be these connections:
The key advisor to Bill Gates is Brad Smith, President of Microsoft.
Brad Smith is the key advisor to all global elites on COVID, elections and the big tech agenda connected through groups including ElectionGuard and the New Deal Leaders.
Brad Smith grew up in Racine, Wisconsin.
Bill Gates is related to the founders of Cornell University.
Tony Fauci attended and is closely connected with Cornell University, where he became “America’s Most Trusted Doctor.”
Cornell was founded in Finger Lakes that Hunter Biden has tattooed on his back.
Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Johnson Foundation are a few groups closely associated with Cornell University and Rotary International, founded by Paul Harris of Racine, Wisconsin. Frederick Gates was Rockefeller’s key advisor after marrying his replacement wife in Racine, Wisconsin who devised much of the agenda seen today with COVID and the vaccines.
Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year their largest donation came from Racine, Wisconsin (Johnsons).
Racine, Wisconsin passed “the strictest, most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and used COVID to alter the election process.
Mason Lab, connected with Cornell University and operated by the mayor of Racine’s brother, set up an experimental testing and tracing program in Racine through corrupt processes.
Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary and rigged recount process for expanding the Racine models of community policing, community education and community health.
Zuckerberg, Obama Foundation, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners used Racine, Wisconsin as the gateway and model district as head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five” to rig the swing states in the general election.
Anna Makanju led community organizing for Soros and Obama in Racine, Wisconsin, led Biden’s Ukraine deals and led the censorship efforts at Facebook.
Racine, Wisconsin used funds from Zuckerberg and Chan to alter future elections including a Mobille COVID and Voting RV referred to as Racine’s Zuckerbus.
There is much more, but these points alone should warrant deep investigation and sharing of The Truth about Racine that has been exposed for years on Voat, WIN and elsewhere.
The biggest story in the world should be these connections:
The key advisor to Bill Gates is Brad Smith, President of Microsoft.
Brad Smith is the key advisor to all global elites on COVID, elections and the big tech agenda connected through groups including ElectionGuard and the New Deal Leaders.
Brad Smith grew up in Racine, Wisconsin.
Bill Gates is related to the founders of Cornell University.
Tony Fauci attended and is closely connected with Cornell University, where he became “America’s Most Trusted Doctor.”
Cornell was founded in Finger Lakes that Hunter Biden has tattooed on his back.
Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Johnson Foundation are a few groups closely associated with Cornell University and Rotary International, founded by Paul Harris of Racine, Wisconsin. Frederick Gates was Rockefeller’s key advisor after marrying his replacement wife in Racine, Wisconsin who devised much of the agenda seen today with COVID and the vaccines.
Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year their largest donation came from Racine, Wisconsin (Johnsons).
Racine, Wisconsin passed “the strictest, most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and used COVID to alter the election process.
Mason Lab, connected with Cornell University and operated by the mayor of Racine’s brother, set up an experimental testing and tracing program in Racine through corrupt processes.
Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary and rigged recount process for expanding the Racine models of community policing, community education and community health.
Zuckerberg, Obama Foundation, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners used Racine, Wisconsin as the gateway and model district as head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five” to rig the swing states in the general election.
Anna Makanju led community organizing for Soros and Obama in Racine, Wisconsin, led Biden’s Ukraine deals and led the censorship efforts at Facebook.
Racine, Wisconsin used funds from Zuckerberg and Chan to alter future elections including a Mobille COVID and Voting RV referred to as Racine’s Zuckerbus.
There is much more, but these points alone should warrant deep investigation and sharing of The Truth about Racine that has been exposed for years on Voat, WIN and elsewhere.
The biggest story in the world should be these connections:
The key advisor to Bill Gates is Brad Smith, President of Microsoft.
Brad Smith is the key advisor to all global elites on COVID, elections and the big tech agenda connected through groups including ElectionGuard and the New Deal Leaders.
Brad Smith grew up in Racine, Wisconsin.
Bill Gates is related to the founders of Cornell University.
Tony Fauci attended and is closely connected with Cornell University, where he became “America’s Most Trusted Doctor.”
Cornell was founded in Finger Lakes that Hunter Biden has tattooed on his back.
Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Johnson Foundation are a few groups closely associated with Cornell University and Rotary International, founded by Paul Harris of Racine, Wisconsin. Frederick Gates was Rockefeller’s key advisor after marrying his replacement wife in Racine, Wisconsin who devised much of the agenda seen today with COVID and the vaccines.
Joe Biden made his speech at Cornell the same year their largest donation came from Racine, Wisconsin (Johnsons).
Racine, Wisconsin passed “the strictest, most over-arching COVID order or ordinance in the nation” and used COVID to alter the election process.
Mason Lab, connected with Cornell University and operated by the mayor of Racine’s brother, set up an experimental testing and tracing program in Racine through corrupt processes.
Joe Biden made the “highly unusual move” to rig a billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary and rigged recount process for expanding the Racine models of community policing, community education and community health.
Zuckerberg, Obama Foundation, CTCL, Knight Foundation and other partners used Racine, Wisconsin as the gateway and model district as head of the “Famous Wisconsin Five” to rig the swing states in the general election.
Anna Makanju led community organizing for Soros and Obama in Racine, Wisconsin, led Biden’s Ukraine deals and led the censorship efforts at Facebook.
Racine, Wisconsin used funds from Zuckerberg and Chan to alter future elections including a Mobille COVID and Voting RV referred to as Racine’s Zuckerbus.
There is much more, but these points alone should warrant deep investigation and sharing of The Truth about Racine that has been exposed for years on Voat, WIN and elsewhere.