My Prince Andrew encounter - 1988.
Australia's Bicentennary, every Navy of the free world was invited to represent their country in an international Naval Review, where ships got in line and sailed by and saluted HMS BRITTANIA with Andrew and Fergie embarked. Many dozens of warships present rigged for "full-dress ship", 35,000 Sailors from around the world on the streets of Sydney. Best port visit of my career. So as my ship approached and passed the Royal yacht on her starboard side, the announcement came over my ships loudspeaker as we manned the rails and performed the oddly British routine of waving our hats in a big circle, all together, "3 cheers for Andrew, the Duke of NEW York! Hip-hip-hooray!" THEY FUCKED UP THE ANNOUNCEMENT!
I didnt know it then, but that was a sign.
My Prince Andrew encounter - 1988.
Australia's Bicentennary, every Navy of the free world was invited to represent their country in an international Naval Review, where ships got in line and sailed by and saluted HMS BRITTANIA with Andrew and Fergie embarked. Many dozens of warships present rigged for "full-dress ship", 35,000 Sailors from around the world on the streets of Sydney. Best port visit of my career. So as my ship approached and passed the Royal yacht on her starboard side, the announcement came over my ships loudspeaker as we manned the rails and performed the oddly British routine of waving our hats in a big circle, all together, "3 cheers for Andrew, the Duke of NEW York! Hip-hip-hooray!" THEY FUCKED UP THE ANNOUNCEMENT!
I didnt know it then, but it was a sign.
My Prince Andrew encounter - 1988.
Australia's Bicentennary, every Navy of the free world was invited to represent their country in an international Naval Review, where ships got in line and sailed by and saluted HMS BRITTANIA with Andrew and Fergie embarked. Many dozens of warships present, 35,000 Sailors from around the world on the streets of Sydney. Best port visit of my career. So as my ship approached and passed the Royal yacht on her starboard side, the announcement came over my ships loudspeaker as we manned the rails and performed the oddly British routine of waving our hats in a big circle, all together, "3 cheers for Andrew, the Duke of NEW York! Hip-hip-hooray!" THEY FUCKED UP THE ANNOUNCEMENT!
I didnt know it then, but it was a sign.
My Prince Andrew encounter - 1988.
Australia's Bicentennary, every Navy of the free world was invited to represent their country in an international Naval Review, where ships got in line and sailed by and saluted HMS BRITTANIA with Andrew and Fergie embarked. 35,000 Sailors from around the world on the streets of Sydney. Best port visit of my career. As my ship approached and passed the Royal yacht on her starboard side, the announcement came over my ships loudspeaker as we manned the rails and performed the routine of waving our hats in a big circle, all together, "3 cheers for Andrew, the Duke of NEW York! Hip-hip-hooray!" THEY FUCKED UP THE ANNOUNCEMENT!
I didnt know it then, but it was a sign.