Life Extension is a fabulous resource! I've used them for years! I may try the new more bio-available version I'm currently taking a capsule and never had a problem swallowing pills but occasionally get nauseous when taking supplements because I eat small meals.
I use Andrew Lessman's vitamins and have for 30 years because he has great integrity, only makes capsules and has super high quality ingredients. Only natural sources, never artificial ingredients.
He translated the Ayn Rand novel, "Atlas Shrugged" into French because there was no French version and he felt it was an important work. Think it took 3 years and I believe he has a French wife.
Life Extension is a fabulous resource! I've used them for years! I may try the new more bio-available version I'm currently taking a capsule and never had a problem swelling pills but occasionally get nauseous when taking supplements because I eat small meals.
I use Andrew Lessman's vitamins and have for 30 years because he has great integrity, only makes capsules and has super high quality ingredients. Only natural sources, never artificial ingredients.
He translated the Ayn Rand novel, "Atlas Shrugged" into French because there was no French version and he felt it was an important work. Think it took 3 years and I believe he has a French wife.