This story is much too large to be hidden, a prince cannot be arrested without massive damning proof.
Fake News knows that any attempt to bury the story would be futile. They will try to spin it, but they will also fully show it.
People will say Ghizzy "gave up names" but that is not the case, her word cannot get a prince arrested, many hard drives are in possession.
Imagine being Bill Clinton and Justice Roberts watching Andy's demise.
This story is much too large to be hidden, a prince cannot be arrested without massive damning proof.
Fake News knows that any attempt to bury the story would be futile. They will try to spin it, but they will also fully show it. People will say Ghizzy "gave up names" but that is not the case, many hard drives are in possession.
Imagine being Bill Clinton and Justice Roberts watching Andy's demise.
This story is much too large to be hidden, a prince cannot be arrested without massive damning proof.
Fake News knows that any attempt to bury the story would be futile. They will try to spin it, but they will also fully show it.
Imagine being Bill Clinton and Justice Roberts watching Andy's demise.