And/or - Sméalites ?
After greedy/grasping Sméagol (Lord of the Ring's 'Gollum') + smell
'My Precccioussssss.......'
(Edit: Since as fascists they've been trying by stealth to possess the One Ring To Rule Them All.
Or then again, maybe just plain ' Smélites '?)
And/or - Sméalites ?
After greedy/grasping Sméagol (Lord of the Ring's 'Gollum') + smell
'My Precccioussssss.......'
(Edit: Since as fascists they've been trying by stealth to possess the One Ring To Rule Them All. Or then again, maybe just plain ' Smélites '?)
And/or - Sméalites ?
After greedy/grasping Sméagol (Lord of the Ring's 'Gollum') + smell
'My Precccioussssss.......'
(Edit: Since as fascists they've been busy trying by stealth to possess the One Ring To Rule Them All.
Or then again, maybe just plain ' Smélites '?)
And/or - Sméalites ?
After greedy/grasping Sméagol (Lord of the Ring's 'Gollum') + smell
'My Precccioussssss.......'
(Edit: Since as fascists they've been busy trying by stealth to possess the One Ring To Rule Them All. Or then again, maybe just plain ' Smélites '?)
And/or - Sméalites ?
After greedy/grasping Sméagol (Lord of the Ring's 'Gollum') + smell
'My Precccioussssss.......'