That drop is FAR more esoteric than op is leading on.
Seals = 'chakras' (like in revelation)
Activating them destroys the evil within, gives clarity of thought, open mindedness and connection to the creator
Silence is golden = meditate (some call pray), when you achieve your gold crown, aka, the 7th chakra or 'corona' through silent meditation or prayer. It's a state of mind. That's why revelation says 'let no man take your crown'.
Corona offline, or not synced with the creator. Your energy centers are literally an electromagnetic field of standing waves (that look like, if you could see it, a jet afterburner) they are harmonically in tuned and overlap at certain points up and down from the base of your spine to just above your head.
They can't exist unless they are in line. The more 'centered' one is, the more powerful the electromagnetism and power achieved, and that allows you to attain higher states of conciousness.
This is why 'npcs' can't think for themselves. And why GEOTUS plays 5D chess all over them. They are humans operating off the base code, unable to turn their 'clock speed' up to higher stats or 'higher vibration'
These NPCs are operating, at most, in the lower 4 chakras, which is why Q wrote they were offline and 0000, each 0 being a chakra or center of energy. They are unstable, swayed by emotion, fear, lust, etc.
The 4th chakra is three heart, the electro magnetic field generator. It produces the 'vibes' you pick up from people. It's almost a form of telepathy if your sensitive to it.
Unless you make the 'above' like the 'below', you aren't a whole person. So you must unlock your heart first to access the 'rainbow bridge' to 'Valhalla'.
This is also why Q mentions 'Snow White', white being pure white light, that is our source. And in this 3d matrix that light, or single spirit, is divided into 7 colors, or rainbow, that are the chakras. Each has a trait and emotion. One must master all emotion, center, and return to white light. You can do it when alive, or at death when you 'return to the light'.
Games R fun.
R = 18 = 9. Power of 3, 6, 9. 9 = 'God' (3 = child, 6 is man) energy, frequency, vibration - N. Tesla
Also notable, R = jfk jr according to the R drop that popped up shortly after Q on the chans.
That drop is FAR more esoteric than op is leading on.