Yuuup. My roommate might have omnicorp and he's been sick for weeks. Hasn't gotten tested but he got his first jab and never the second or boosters. I talked him out of it, praise God. But I'm completely undrugged, don't wear diapers, and I've been pretty loosy Goosy with my vitamins and my immune system holding strong. I think I caught the alpha variant in January or some shit because I haven't been sick since.
Yuuup. My roommate might have omnicorp and he's been sick for weeks. Hasn't gotten tested but he got his first jab and never the second or boosters. I talked him out of it, praise God. But I'm incompletely undrugged, don't wear diapers, and I've been pretty loosy Goosy with my vitamins and my immune system holding strong. I think I caught the alpha variant in January or some shit because I haven't been sick since.