Pretty sure Joel Tippens took 383mg ‘active’ Fenbendazole every other day. The box ‘Panacur C’ will say how many active mg are in each 1.0g packet. John Hopkins University did a lot of studies decades ago with Fenbendazole and I saw one of them stating that in humans studies’ 2500mg/day for prolonged periods had ZERO negative side effects (so they were doing the tests on humans too).
Fenbendazole is an ANTHELMINTIC compound. Ivermectin is also classified as an ANTHELMINTIC. Recent studies have come out showing Ivermectin was a promising drug to cure ovarian cancer.
Bottom line, if I were you or your loved one, I would alternate Fenbendazole and Ivermectin every other day. There is also a lot of research and anecdotal evidence that increasing the pH of your blood/body is a great thing to do as well. Cancer, apparently much like fungi prefer acidic environments for growth. I think some of the ways to do this are strange, like apple cider vinegar which is acidic but may actually help increase the blood alkalinity/pH. Not my specific area of expertise but these are the first 3 things I would do before even considering Chemo/radiation routes. God bless and good luck - keep us posted.
For the record, I currently take hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin monthly alternating the product every 2 weeks. This is for viral prophylaxis and also because the media and govt tell me I shouldn’t. I take Fenbendazole every summer (2 years now) For 5 straight days as my parasitic cleanse. No side effects no problems.
Pretty sure Joel Tippens took 383mg ‘active’ Fenbendazole every other day. The box ‘Panacur C’ will say how many active mg are in each 1.0g packet. John Hopkins University did a lot of studies decades ago with Fenbendazole and I saw one of them stating that in humans studies’ 2500mg/day for prolonged periods had ZERO negative side effects (so they were doing the tests on humans too).
Fenbendazole is an ANTHELMINTIC compound. Ivermectin is also classified as an ANTHELMINTIC. Recent studies have come out showing Ivermectin was a promising drug to cure ovarian cancer.
Bottom line, if I were you or your loved one, I would alternate Fenbendazole and Ivermectin every other day. There is also a lot of research and anecdotal evidence that increasing the pH of your blood/body is a great thing to do as well. Cancer, apparently much like fungi prefer acidic environments for growth. I think some of the ways to do this are strange, like apple cider vinegar which is acidic but may actually help increase the blood alkalinity/pH. Not my specific area of expertise but these are the first 3 things I would do before even considering Chemo/radiation routes. God bless and good luck - keep us posted.