The Banality of Tattoos - Nothing is unique about following the herd with an impulsive and regrettable decision
We get it, you're fascinated with tattoos but afraid of pain, so you don't have any and don't understand anyone who does. Maybe never served in the military, heh. That's OK. But, this closer:
Perhaps we should require a pass for the dermally defiled to participate in society, a digital pass they must present to purchase goods and services so the pure bodies among us in society know who they are...
LOL I'll graciously give the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't have time to read the whole over-the-top article by Karen the Fucking Digital Nazi before linking to it. Maybe try to be more careful next time.
Full disclosure: Large, military-themed unique custom back piece I've never regretted a day in my life. It just keeps getting better the more genuinely positive and appreciative remarks it gets from patriots and art lovers :) I only did it because I'd waited sufficient time for the youthful desire to wane, about 30 years, and still thought it would look good. Turns out I was right. My only regret, if there is one, is not doing it years sooner.
The Banality of Tattoos - Nothing is unique about following the herd with an impulsive and regrettable decision
We get it, you're fascinated with tattoos but afraid of pain, so you don't have any and don't understand anyone who does. Maybe never served in the military, heh. That's OK. But, this closer:
Perhaps we should require a pass for the dermally defiled to participate in society, a digital pass they must present to purchase goods and services so the pure bodies among us in society know who they are...
LOL I'll graciously give the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't have time to read the whole over-the-top article by Karen the Fucking Digital Nazi before linking to it. Maybe try to be more careful next time.