Apostates CANNOT be pope. Apostates aren’t Catholic. A non-Catholic cannot be pope. He is a MARXIST. A Marxist cannot be pope. He isn’t a “bad pope”; bad popes in the past still held the Faith. Bergoglio doesn’t hold the Faith, in fact, he condemns it. He blasphemes, teaches heresy, tells us God sometimes asks us to sin (Amoris Laetitia), accuses Mary of calling God a LIAR, says atheists will go to heaven, teaches the heresy of annihilation of the soul, says there is no hell. Among much more. You need to turn away from that Novus Ordo thinking, that Novus Ordo “Church”, those Novus Ordo websites and realize that they created the abomination of desolation: A counterfeit church with its own council, mass, theology, catechisms, Code of canon law, priests, nuns, saints, rites, , sacraments, calendar, rosary, devotions...all designed to ape the Church and bring damnation. God will not be mocked!
Apostates CANNOT be pope. Apostates aren’t Catholic. A non-Catholic cannot be pope. He is a MARXIST. A Marxist cannot be pope. He isn’t a “bad pope”; bad popes in the past still held the Faith. Bergoglio doesn’t hold the Faith, in fact, he condemns it. He blasphemes, teaches heresy, tells us God sometimes asks us to sin (Amoris Laetitia), accuses Mary of calling Hod a LIAR, says atheists will go to heaven, teaches the heresy of annihilation of the soul, says there is no hell. Among much more. You need to turn away from that Novus Ordo thinking, that Novus Ordo “Church”, those Novus Ordo websites and realize that they created the abomination of desolation: A counterfeit church with its own council, mass, theology, catechisms, Code of canon law, priests, nuns, saints, rites, , sacraments, calendar, rosary, devotions...all designed to ape the Church and bring damnation. God will not be mocked!