I believe our much loved northern friends have a few things going for them. Their expansive territory and the generally congenial nature of those (currently) tasked with enforcing their ridiculously over-reaching “mandates.” Hear me out. Gun wise: they have been neutered but not “de-fanged.” Canadians have guns. More rural territorial Canadians have more guns. The more rural Northern Canadians probably have the kind of guns their more southern-border hugging neighbors lack. Trudeau is just one ass-hole who lives down south. Most “true Canadians” haven’t been goaded into action yet, in EXACTLY, the same ways the 70% of Freedom Loving Americans haven’t been activated yet. To Date: the threats to both of our countries have been through “declared mandate” (not law). They have been proclamations made by elected leaders (not law) and threats of “future repercussions” for lack of compliance. The right step to take now for Northern Frens (and local frens) is exactly what o.p. is saying.
Levy a fine. Don’t pay.
So...where is the moral line in the sand?
Come to my home and remove me from it,
If any physical person claiming “State Authority” attempts to remove me or mine from my home on the basis of noncompliance for an illegal mandate?
Then. That is the moment. And they should send bachelors.
I believe our much loved northern friends have a few things going for them. Their expansive territory and the generally congenial nature of those (currently) tasked with enforcing their ridiculously over-reaching “mandates.” Hear me out. Gun wise: they have been neutered but not “de-fanged.” Canadians have guns. More rural territorial Canadians have more guns. The more rural Northern Canadians probably have the kind of guns their more southern-border hugging neighbors lack. Trudeau is just one ass-hole who lives down south. Most “true Canadians” haven’t been goaded into action yet, in EXACTLY, the same ways the 70% of Freedom Loving Americans haven’t been activated yet. To Date: the threats to both of our countries have been through “declared mandate” (not law). They have been proclamations made by elected leaders (not law) and threats of “future repercussions” for lack of compliance. The right step to take now for Northern Frens (and local frens) is exactly what o.p. is saying.
Levy a fine. Don’t pay.
So...where is the moral line in the sand?
Come to my home and remove me from it,
If any physical person claiming “State Authority” attempts to remove me or mine from my home on the basis of noncompliance for an illegal mandate.
Then. The is the moment. And they should send bachelors.