a correction is in order. a pedophile is a person attracted to prepubescent KIDS (usually under 12yo). this is by far the worst disorder.
What he likely did and the whole Epstein debacle is not even hebephilia (attraction to young adolescents aged 12-14) but ephebophilia (attraction to "old adolescents" aged 16+).
While all three are wrong, there are degrees of how wrong they are, with pedophilia being the worst.
funny meme but stop using terms wrong.
a correction is in order. a pedophile is a person attracted to prepubescent KIDS (usually under 12yo). this is by far the worst disorder.
What he likely did and the whole Epstein debacle is not even hebephilia (attraction to young adolescents aged 12-14) but ephebophilia (attraction to "old adolescents" aged 16+).
While all three are wrong, there are degrees of how wrong they are, with pedophilia being the worst.
funny meme but so stop using terms wrong.