There is a report from a Chinese province that has been so deeply buried it almost doesn't exist. I think it was the province of Shenshen which monitored their covid19 population over December 2019 through to February 2020 and then submitted their results to the WHO. They found the illness was just like a heavy flu, not a pandemic. So everyone involved had this info on the 7th of March yet they went ahead with this overly-complicated plan. Business is business.
There is a report from a Chinese province that has been so deeply buried it almost doesn't exist. I think it was the province of Shenshen which monitored their covid19 population over December 2019 through to February 2020 and then submitted their results to the WHO. They found the illness was just a heavy flu, not a pandemic. So everyone involved had this info on the 7th of March yet they went ahead with this overly-complicated plan. Business is business.