Thinking you can avoid the shedding is like vaxtards thinking they can avoid the virus. It’s an impossible feat. Having said that…I think it would be prudent to avoid sex and swapping of any kind of bodily fluids
Edit: also based on them saying people can test positive for up to twelve weeks. I think that’s a good assumption they could carry the viral particles for that long.
Thinking you can avoid the shedding is like vaxtards thinking they can avoid the virus. It’s an impossible feat. Having said that…I think it would be prudent to avoid sex and swapping of any kind of bodily fluids
Edit: also based on them saying people can test positive for up to twelve weeks. I think that’s a good assumption they could carry the vita particles for that long.
Thinking you can avoid the shedding is like vaxtards thinking they can avoid the virus. It’s an impossible feat. Having said that…I think it would be prudent to avoid sex and swapping of any kind of bodily fluids