Andy Cohen said Bob Saget is a "mencsh" Yiddish for one of integrity and honor.
Did Bob maintain his "honor" by not talking? Was it his decision or was it someebody elses to end his life? Did he commit suicide?
Ive just never heard that word before and he doesnt seem like he fits the description.
Very odd to see John Mayer (Berkley) and Pete Davidson (SNL whore) coming out of the woodworks to support the man. Its almost like there trying to sell it as a normal death and keep the public from looking at it too much. Maybe Petes story is all made up and just for publicity that guy seriously gives me the fucking creeps much like modern day Jim Carrey. My gut says they engage in horrendous acts and it darkens the light coming out of these folks.
The Stamos boot is the icing on the cake because of the photo with Saget and tom hanks and alllllll the other boot photos. Hrc, chelsea, arnold, amarosa, mccain, stamos, biden. Hanks, oprah, ellen. All dubious folks
I know theres more but I havent kept a list other than memory.
It honestly looks like we are watching the old system being dismantled, both politicians and celebrities in Hollywood, controled by who know which agency across the world. Mossad, CIA etc
Andy Cohen said Bob Sagst is a "mencsh" Yiddish for one of integrity and honor.
Did Bob maintain his "honor" by not talking? Was it his decision or was it someebody elses to end his life?
Ive just never heard that word before and he doesnt seem like he fits the description.
Very odd to see John Mayer (Berkley) and Pete Davidson (SNL whore) coming out of the woodworks to support the man. Its almost like there trying to sell it as a normal death and keep the public from looking at it too much. Maybe Petes story is all made up and just for oublicity that guy seriously gives me the fucking creeoys mich like modern Jim Carrey. I think they engage in horrendous acts and it darkens the light coming out of these folks.
The Stamos boot is the icing on the cake because of the photo with Saget and tom hanks and alllllll the other boot photos. Hrc, chelsea, arnold, amarosa, mccain, stamos, biden. Hanks, oprah, ellen. All dubious folks
I know theres more but I havent kept a list kther than memory.