Trust the Plan! I know it seems we “need our President back”, but we’re not seeing the big picture yet - just bits and pieces. God told us, and Q reiterated, not to be in fear. What you think you see is an illusion. The war is already won - we’re just finally being shown how some of the battles played out. So you think the DS just started trying to destroy America a few years ago? I think we may be watching re-enactments of things that have already happened, designed to “catch us up” before the final reveal and resolution. Remember, Q says we’re watching a movie, and the movie clearly isn’t over yet. I think the ending promises to be worth the wait.
Trust the Plan! I know it seems we “need our President back”, but we’re not seeing the big picture yet - just bits and pieces. God told us, and Q reiterated, not to be in fear. What you think you see is an illusion. The war is already won - we’re just seeing some of the battles play out. May even be re-enactments of things that have already happened, designed to catch us up before the final reveal and resolution. Remember, Q says we’re watching a movie, and the movie isn’t over yet. I think the ending promises to be worth the wait.