...no lie, a few years back I got a "you where speeding in our town and here is a photo of you licence plate to prove it" letter from pseudo governmental sounding organization/company ....
...along with the photo was a form and an address to send $100.00 to a location which was not remotely connected to the town I was speeding in...(the "ticket was in Lucas OH and I was to remit my "fine" to Cincinnati OH)
...so I took a photo of a $100.00 bill and mailed it with the form to the address given....
...I swear to God, I never received any more correspondence from that organization....
...no lie, a few years back I got a "you where speeding in our town and here is a photo of you licence plate to prove it....
...along with the photo was an address to send $100.00 to which was not remotely connected to the town I was speeding in...
...so I took a photo of a $100.00 bill and mailed it with the form to the address given....
...I swear to God, I never received any more correspondence from that organization....