Boomers are addicted to the feeling of believing that everything will work out if the TV says so...boomers must all die for this sad lazyminded behavior. Couch potato domesticated livestock...well marbled.
They are all cowards and cucked still watching TV because the real world demands courage they don't have. Remember boomer idiots, if you have never seen it, it does not exist, if you never experienced it it could never happen, if it does not affect your person it does not exist. You are the center of the universe. KYS.
Boomers are addicted to the feeling of believing that everything will work out if the TV says so...boomrs must all die for this sad lazyminded behavior. Couch potato domesticated livestock...well marbled.
They are all cowards and cucked still watching TV because the real world demands courage they dont have. Remember boomer idiots, if you have never seen it, it does not exist, if you never experienced it it could never happen, if it does not affect your prrson it does not exist. You are the center of the universe. KYS.
Boomers are addicted to the feeling that everything will work put of the TV says so...boomrs must all die for this sad lazyminded behavior.
They are all cowards and cucked still watching TV because the real world demands courage they dont have. Remember boomer idiots, if you have never seen it, it does not exist, if you never experienced it it could never happen, if it does not affect your prrson it does not exist. You are the center of the universe. KYS.
Boomers are addicted to the feeling that everything will work put of the TV says must all die for this sad lazyminded behavior. They are all cowards and cucked still watching TV because the real world demands courage they dont have.