It's not really worth your trouble because they're only ever used as a Jewish scapegoat / euphemism by people who don't want to get censored and banned for naming the elephant in the room.
The Khazarians were little more than a roaming clutch of Jews up until about 1,200 years ago.
Your best bet is to research the rise of the Khazar empire if you really want to research them.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and had a big beak like a duck... it's a duck.
And if the ducks are all working together to kill you, what does it matter who their great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents were.
It's not really worth your trouble because they're only ever used as a Jewish scapegoat / euphemism by people who don't want to get censored and banned for naming the elephant in the room.
The Khazarians were little more than a roaming clutch of Jews up until about 1,200 years ago.
Your best bet is to research the rise of the Khazar empire if you really want to research them.
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and had a big beak like a duck... it's a duck.