Some Christians believe the Jews were "chosen" only because they were the most intolerably misguided and in need of correction by God to end the validity of their claims and guide them away from damnation and towards the One True Path to Salvation.
Thankfully, Jesus Christ was able to save a handful of Jews.
Jesus Christ wasn't in the slightest bit interested in reforming Judaism - not a single jot or dot of it. He was here to end Judaism and tell the Jews to, "Cut that shit out!".
Sadly, the Jews had Jesus Christ tortured and crucified as they demanded Hit blood be upon them and their children and mocked Him as He bled out on the cross.
This theory seems reasonable when you look at the divergent paths the Jews and the Christians took throughout history: Christians went on to be inspired by the true teachings of God and His New Covenant, to bless and reshape the world with gifts of philosophy, science, art, culture, agriculture, architecture, medicine, governance and a respect for God given rights (age of enlightenment, industrial revolution, space age, information age) ... whereas the Jews arguably when on to worship shekels and definitively become the most hated and exiled people in human history.
I think there's a lesson in that.
Some Christians believe the Jews were "chosen" only because they were the most intolerably misguided and in need of correction by God to end the validity of their claims and guide them away from damnation and towards the One True Path to Salvation.
Thankfully, Jesus Christ was able to save a handful of Jews.
Jesus Christ wasn't in the slightest bit interested in reforming Judaism - not a single jot or dot of it. He was here to end Judaism and tell the Jews to, "Cut that shit out!".
Sadly, the Jews had Jesus Christ tortured and crucified as they demanded Hit blood be upon them and their children and mocked Him as He bled out on the cross.
This theory seems reasonable when you look at the divergent paths the Jews and the Christians took throughout history: Christians went on to be inspired by the true teachings of God and His New Covenant, to bless and reshape the world with gifts of philosophy, science, art, culture, governance and a respect for God given rights... whereas the Jews arguably when on to worship shekels and definitively become the most hated and exiled people in human history.
I think there's a lesson in that.
Some Christians believe the Jews were "chosen" only because they were the most intolerably misguided and in need of correction by God to end the validity of their claims and guide them away from damnation and towards the One True Path to Salvation.
Thankfully, Jesus Christ was able to save a handful of Jews.
Jesus Christ wasn't in the slightest bit interested in reforming Judaism - not a single jot or dot of it. He was here to tell the Jews to, "Cut that shit out!".
Sadly, the Jews had Jesus Christ tortured and crucified as they demanded Hit blood be upon them and their children and mocked Him as He bled out on the cross.
This theory seems reasonable when you look at the divergent paths the Jews and the Christians took throughout history: Christians went on to be inspired by the true teachings of God and His New Covenant, to bless and reshape the world with gifts of philosophy, science, art, culture, governance and a respect for God given rights... whereas the Jews arguably when on to worship shekels and definitively become the most hated and exiled people in human history.
I think there's a lesson in that.
Some Christians believe the Jews were "chosen" only because they were the most misguided and in of correction by God to end the validity of their claims and guide them away from damnation and towards the One True Path to Salvation.
Thankfully, Jesus Christ was able to save a handful of Jews.
Jesus Christ wasn't in the slightest bit interested in reforming Judaism - not a single jot or dot of it. He was here to tell the Jews to, "Cut that shit out!".
Sadly, the Jews had Jesus Christ tortured and crucified as they demanded Hit blood be upon them and their children and mocked Him as He bled out on the cross.
This theory seems reasonable when you look at the divergent paths the Jews and the Christians took throughout history: Christians went on to be inspired by the true teachings of God and His New Covenant, to bless and reshape the world with gifts of philosophy, science, art, culture, governance and a respect for God given rights... whereas the Jews arguably when on to worship shekels and definitively become the most hated and exiled people in human history.
I think there's a lesson in that.