I launched a 12,000 character post limit bursting wall o' text post yesterday see it here if you dare: https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFwddqVl/why-am-i-here-here-is-why-and-th/
The (mental) deck is cleared.
**The Next Step **
This is my next step, and it can be your next step too, preliminary pre-planned next steps, seeing beyond the Win is the Win, but it happens on the inside first, within our core being, you commit to the next step.
Start imaging the new world you want to live in and how it should be and what you can do in it, but you have to make sure you do one thing.
Factor out out the Menace / Cabal from your thought patterns, because it will be gone forever. That's right. I seen the future and what is dying now is totally dead then. It will not exist. So you can already forget about it now with your future planning, even though it doe snot seem like depending on how you day is going.
So start thinking, even a little but, about the fruits of the WIN, prepare to help the healing that is always required after any major detox of a parasite, the new ways and structures and thought patterns that will allow healing and progression beyond things you thought previously impossible.
Some of those will be the old things made new again. The good old things. Not the bad old things. They become new by being released from the shackles of the Menace Cabal.
See this new world. Believe this new world. Imagine this new world is real, because it is, you are already in the beginnings of it. I seen it, 8 years ago and I see it now folding into this reality.
You are going to love it, because you helped make it.
This is for everybody. The way it should and will always be.
Have fun taking your next step, and then steps.