Hell is inside the Earth, so it must be pretty hollow with different levels! One is the lowest level the Pit of fire! There are other levels higher than the pit! Paradise went away during the First Resurrection and Hell was increased in size! Ephesians 4:9 Just Saying! Don't forget Tartarus the lowest depth keeping the Fallen Ones!
Hell is inside the Earth, so it must be pretty hollow with different levels! One is the lowest level the Pit of fire! There are other levels higher than the pit! Paradise went away during the First Resurrection and Hell was increased in size! Ephesians 4:9 Just Saying! Don't forget Tartus the lowest depth keeping the Fallen Ones!
Hell is inside the Earth, so it must be pretty hollow with different levels! One is the lowest level the Pit of fire! There are other levels higher than the pit! Paradise went away during the First Resurrection and Hell was increased in size! Just Saying! Don't forget Tartus the lowest depth keeping the Fallen Ones!