great post, I agree, we have to be very precise, and interpret the Bible literally. but I do have one question with the above, have you ever considered another version of the Bible? perhaps the Geneva Bible 1599 with notes for the people? I know the KJV has a popular following, but KJ was so shady:( of course people will read what they want, but was curious if you've read other translations? maybe other suggestions?
great post, I agree, we have to be very precise, and interpret the Bible literally. but I do have one question with the above, have you ever considered another version of the Bible? perhaps the Geneva Bible 1599 with notes for the people? I know the KJV has a popular following, but KJ was so shady:( of course people will read what they want, but was curious if you've read other translations?
great post, I agree, we have to be very precise, and interpret the Bible literally. but I do have one stickler with the above, have you ever considered another version of the Bible? perhaps the Geneva Bible 1599 with notes for the people? I know the KJV has a popular following, but KJ was so shady:( of course people will read what they want, but was curious if you've read other translations?