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Ok, I'll bite and try my best to explain it to ya:

  1. She was "essential" to [their] Plan because she was [their] next appointed leader to finish the destruction of America. It was a 16 yr plan to destroy us, bring about a nuclear WWIII, possibly an alien invasion to teach us the error of our ways, move the global seat of military, religious, and financial power (the three pillars of the Cabal's Tried) to Chynah/CCP, where it would be nigh impossible to infiltrate, invade, and defeat, and then usher in a New World Order of worldwide Communism, under the guise of the U.N. This plan included the destruction of the Bank of England//Vatican Bank/Fed Reserve, the strongest of the World's militaries outside of Chynah (paper dragon), ESPECIALLY the U.S. Miliary (the world's strongest). Crush any dissent by enacting federalized policing laws thus stripping us of our rights to free speech, assembly, firearm/militia possessions, property, and the right to vote in a "free and fair election." Federalizing (corporatizing) the U.S. farmlands thru Bill Gates, Blackwater, the CCP and other NGO's, and allowing "China/CCP" to dictate the terms of the U.S. "surrender." This would end all religious beliefs, and the concept of the family dynamic by enacting a statist "spiritual movement" that indoctrinates the populace on the teachings of Hegel and his "dialectics." Q's first dozen or so posts gave us this info and told us how to find more pieces of this puzzle, and a bunch more continued to provide info and Intel and remind us of this plan. Anons have been on the trail, sniffing everything out since.

  2. There isn't another "strong," corrupt, or evil enough cabal puppet here in the States that can pull that kind of evil and treachery like Hitlery can. Soros is, but he's incapable of being POTUS because he wasn't born a U.S. citizen. Aside from him, there aren't any others among [their] ranks. I know, I know, [Hussein] "wasn't" a U.S. citizen either, but [they] muddied up the waters surrounding his birth enough to get him installed as POTUS because the cat's been out the bag re: Soros since '96, thanks in part to dearly departed Patriots like William Cooper, Rush Limbaugh, and Andrew Breitbart. Thanks to them, and others like David Icke, Julian Assange, and others, the WHOLE WORLD knows Soros is a Nazi. Obama took over, rather than [HRC], Jeb Bush, or Romney because [they] saw that there was a need for "Race War v2.0" after the effects of 9/11. See, National Patriotism tends to bind people of all colors, races, creeds and religions together in a nation because it's shared across the while populace. A narrative has to be crafted toward a certain issue when a country experiences an attack. Race took a back seat to religion and creed because too many narratives tends to confuse the simplemindedness of the general population and it wasn't African Nubian "terrorists" that "attacked" us. Middle Easterners aren't black or brown, they're Caucasians. A simple 5 minute dig will prove this. [they] had the religious and creed wars going on, but [they] didn't expect the races in America to work together to "defeat terrorism." [they] expected groups like Antifa/BLM, the Black Panthers, and others to do what they did during Vietnam, only, that's not what happened. The first two weren't even formed yet in the U.S., and the third one was realtively silent because people still remembered the terrorist violence they fomented in the 60's and 70's.

Or, maybe [they] did, and that's the reason for [Hussein] and his racially divisive actions having an extremely inflammatory effect which led to the creation and rise of Antifa and BLM during his occupation, and [HRC] was meant to turn it into a full fledged conflagration with those groups. Either option works. It probably would've worked with Jeb or Romney, too, but the Bush's fulfilled [their] family's part with W., and Romney is a Mormon. That's not [their] role in all this. [they]'re primarily peaceful, the world knows it, so that faith is used as a clandestine smuggling and spy network. They're good at it, too. (So good, in fact, that not many people realize what the Mormon faith really is.)

  1. [they] wanted Hitlery, because, again, she's the most corrupt, evil one [they] have in the U.S. She's the only one that can flip and manipulate both sides effectively. She's also the pupil and whore of Saul Alinsky, Soros, and Robert Byrd. She's the embodiment of classism, statism, and the overall "Prussian Model." Go to substack and look up #PrussiaGate and go from there. That guy speels it out and provides a good jumping off point re: who, what, when, where, why, and how all this began. Q's first posts also explain why [they] want her to take over so bad.

  2. That plan works effectively well. It's a plan that's worked for thousands of years. But under the U S. Constitution, any one POTUS only has a maximum 8 yrs in office. If [they] had tried to manipulate [Hussein] into office for another term, we would've had a 2 nd Civil War immediately, and [their] plans would've ended with [them] as a result. Combined, ALL of the firearm owning people in the U.S. out number all the rest of the world's militaries combined by a ratio of almost 12:1. We have an estimated 200+ MILLION gun owners in this country. Our Veterans alone outnumber the top 5 militaries of the world. I'm talking about the deployable, combatant portions of those militaries. [Hussein] didn't have the support of our own military on a majority of issues, so there's no way he would've won a 3rd term, anyway.

However, what [they] could count on was the military ensuring a peaceful transition of power regardless of the candidate or their affiliations. That's why [HRC] attacked that narrative in regards to Trump. That narrative works against "Republicans" much better than "Democrats" because [they] have people fooled into believing the [R] side of the coin represents "fascism" and the [D] side represents "socialism."

Two sides, same coin, but [they] have the people so bamboozled and befuddled, that most don't know that even this a lie. Both sides are the same. These political leanings are just effective tools. [their] ideology is power and control. The various machanisms used to exercise power and control differ, but the basic ideology is that of enduring, eternal power, control, and dominion over God's Children.

The individual players don't matter, as long as [they] espouse and embody the principals, beliefs, and ideological teachings of [their] way. The individual methods don't matter either, not does anything else for that matter, because under [their] control, ALL of those methods have one goal. The same goal. Eternal power, control, and dominion over God's Children.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Ok, I'll bite and try my best to explain it to ya:

  1. She was "essential" to [their] Plan because she was [their] next appointed leader to finish the destruction of America. It was a 16 yr plan to destroy us, bring about a nuclear WWII, possibly an alien invasion to teach us the error of our ways, move the global seat of military, religious, and financial power (the three pillars of the Cabal's Tried) to Chynah/CCP , where it would be nigh impossible to infiltrate, invade, and defeat, and then usher in a New World Order of worldwide Communism, under the guise of the U.N. This plan included the destruction of the Bank of England//Vatican Bank/Fed Reserve, the strongest of the World's militaries outside of Chynah (paper dragon), ESPECIALLY the U.S. Miliary (the world's strongest). Crush any dissent by enacting federalized policing laws thus stripping us of our rights to free speech, assembly, firearm/militia possessions, property, and the right to vote in a "free and fair election." Federalizing (corporatizing) the U.S. farmlands thru Bill Gates, and allowing "China/CCP" to dictate the terms of the U.S.' "surrender." Q's first dozen or so posts gave us this info, and a bunch more continued to provide and remind us of this plan. Anons have been on the trail, sniffing everything out since.

  2. There isn't another "strong," corrupt, or evil enough cabal puppet here in the States that can pull that kind of evil and treachery like Hitlery can. Soros is, but he's incapable of being POTUS because he wasn't born a U.S. citizen. Aside from him, there aren't any others among [their] ranks. I know, I know, [Hussein] "wasn't" a U.S. citizen either, but [they] muddied up the waters surrounding his birth enough to get him installed as POTUS because the cat's been out the bag re: Soros since '96, thanks in part to dearly departed Patriots like William Cooper and Rush Limbaugh. Thanks to them, and others like David Icke, the WHOLE WORLD knows Soros is a Nazi. Obama took over, rather than [HRC], Jeb Bush, or Romney because [they] saw that there was a need for "Race War v2.0" after the effects of 9/11. See, National Patriotism tends to bind people of all colors, races, creeds and religions together in a nation because it's shared across the while populace. A narrative has to be crafted toward a certain issue when a country experiences an attack. Race took a back seat to religion and creed because too many narratives tends to confuse the simplemindedness of the general population and it wasn't African Nubian "terrorists" that "attacked" us. Middle Easterners aren't black or brown, they're Caucasians. A simple 5 minute dig will prove this. [they] had the religious and creed wars going on, but [they] didn't expect the races in America to work together to "defeat terrorism." [they] expected groups like Antifa/BLM, the Black Panthers, and others to do what they did during Vietnam, only, that's not what happened. The first two weren't even formed yet in the U.S., and the third one was realtively silent because people still remembered the terrorist violence they fomented in the 60's and 70's.

Or, maybe [they] did, and that's the reason for [Hussein] and his racially divisive actions having an extremely inflammatory effect which led to the creation and rise of Antifa and BLM during his occupation, and [HRC] was meant to turn it into a full fledged conflagration with those groups. Either option works. It probably would've worked with Jeb or Romney, too, but the Bush's fulfilled [their] family's part with W., and Romney is a Mormon. That's not [their] role in all this. [they]'re primarily peaceful, the world knows it, so that faith is used as a clandestine smuggling and spy network. They're good at it, too. (So good, in fact, that not many people realize what the Mormon faith really is.)

  1. [they] wanted Hitlery, because, again, she's the most corrupt, evil one [they] have in the U.S. She's the only one that can flip and manipulate both sides effectively. She's also the pupil and whore of Saul Alinsky, Soros, and Robert Byrd. She's the embodiment of classism, statism, and the overall "Prussian Model." Go to substack and look up #PrussiaGate and go from there. That guy speels it out and provides a good jumping off point re: who, what, when, where, why, and how all this began. Q's first posts also explain why [they] want her to take over so bad.

  2. That plan works effectively well. It's a plan that's worked for thousands of years. But under the U S. Constitution, any one POTUS only has a maximum 8 yrs in office. If [they] had tried to manipulate [Hussein] into office for another term, we would've had a 2 nd Civil War immediately, and [their] plans would've ended with [them] as a result. Combined, ALL of the firearm owning people in the U.S. out number all the rest of the world's militaries combined by a ratio of almost 12:1. We have an estimated 200+ MILLION gun owners in this country. Our Veterans alone outnumber the top 5 militaries of the world. I'm talking about the deployable, combatant portions of those militaries. [Hussein] didn't have the support of our own military on a majority of issues, so there's no way he would've won a 3rd term, anyway.

However, what [they] could count on was the military ensuring a peaceful transition of power regardless of the candidate or their affiliations. That's why [HRC] attacked that narrative in regards to Trump. That narrative works against "Republicans" much better than "Democrats" because [they] have people fooled into believing the [R] side of the coin represents "fascism" and the [D] side represents "socialism."

Two sides, same coin, but [they] have the people so bamboozled and befuddled, that most don't know that even this a lie. Both sides are the same. These political leanings are just effective tools. [their] ideology is power and control. The various machanisms used to exercise power and control differ, but the basic ideology is that of enduring, eternal power, control, and dominion over God's Children.

The individual players don't matter, as long as [they] espouse and embody the principals, beliefs, and ideological teachings of [their] way. The individual methods don't matter either, not does anything else for that matter, because under [their] control, ALL of those methods have one goal. The same goal. Eternal power, control, and dominion over God's Children.

2 years ago
1 score