I've never heard anyone use the phrase "up to date" to describe Covid vaccine boosters.
It's also a bad metaphor because software updates are synonymous with increased protection against viruses.
Saying, "Because I'm not software" as a metaphor is like being proud that you haven't updated your virus scanner signatures... which is idiotic.
I've never heard anyone use the term "up to date" to describe Covid vaccine boosters.
It's also a bad metaphor because software updates are synonymous with increased protection against viruses.
Saying, "Because I'm not software" as a metaphor is like being proud that you haven't updated your virus scanner signatures... which is idiotic.
I've never heard anyone use the term "up to date" to describe Covid vaccine boosters.
It's also a bad metaphor because software updates are synonymous with increased protection against viruses.
Saying, "Because I'm not software" as a metaphor is like being proud that you haven't updated your virus scanner... which is idiotic.
I've never heard anyone use the term "up to date" to describe Covid vaccine boosters.