Fauci and Birx SHOULD face Nuremburg like trials? Not SHOULD, but MUST. And not just them, but the Owners and head scientists involved with Big Pharma, who created these fake vaccine shots, CEOS and Administrators of Hospitals, Governors (especially those who signed death warrants putting infected into nursing homes, NJ, NY, Michigan, California, Pa.), Heads of AMA, ANA AAP who pushed the lies and doctors and nurses who continued to participate in hospital treatments that they knew would facilitate deaths, and all those involved in suppressing alternative treatments like Vitamin D, hydrochloroquine, ivermectin, zinc and quercitin, budesonide.
Proof of Biden not being in Charge: Remember how President Trump was belittled and evening took a cognitive test. The proof now is unfolding before our eyes, the way the Left is being finagled into a corner, while Biden is an embarrassment sniffing girls and women, talking about his hairy legs and Corn Pop. Even the puppet master is an idiot, although that could be planned to embarrass the U.S. and exclude the U.S. from talks and world decisions. Biden also says,”The Constitution is Always Evolving,” I hate to tell him this, but for theConstitution to be changed it has to be voted on.
Whoopi Goldberg: Why are we even listening to or watching the View. It is a predominantly a far Left attitudes propaganda show. We can’t change others from voicing their views, but they can be removed from a platform. That doesn’t mean they still can’t voice them. After all FaceBook and Twitter do that every day, don’t they. I am not in favor of anyone losing their job or being suspended. That begins a slippery slope.
On Canada: if the RCMP continues with their threats to remove the truckers, they are then an enemy of the people. The Trucker’s should pull their $10,000,000. out of GoFundMe before they freeze the funds. People must stop using this donation platform because they side with the Left and will freeze or confiscate funds. GiveSendGo might be a better alternative. Better to hold the cash then have it frozen.
Fauci and Birx SHOULD face Nuremburg like trials? Not SHOULD, but MUST. And not just them, but the Owners and head scientists involved with Big Pharma, who created these fake vaccine shots, CEOS and Administrators of Hospitals, Governors (especially those who signed death warrants putting infected into nursing homes, NJ, NY, Michigan, California, Pa.), Heads of AMA, ANA AAP who pushed the lies and doctors and nurses who continued to participate in hospital treatments that they knew would facilitate deaths, and all those involved in suppressing alternative treatments like Vitamin D, hydrochloroquine, ivermectin, zinc and quercitin, budesonide.
Proof of Biden not being in Charge: Remember how President Trump was belittled and evening took a cognitive test. The proof now is unfolding before our eyes, the way the Left is being finagled into a corner, while Biden is an embarrassment sniffing girls and women, talking about his hairy legs and Corn Pop. Even the puppet master is an idiot, although that could be planned to embarrass the U.S. and exclude the U.S. from talks and world decisions.
Fauci and Birx SHOULD face Nuremburg like trials? Not SHOULD, but MUST. And not just them, but the Owners and head scientists involved with Big Pharma, who created these fake vaccine shots, CEOS and Administrators of Hospitals, Governors (especially those who signed death warrants putting infected into nursing homes, NJ, NY, Michigan, California, Pa.), Heads of AMA, ANA AAP who pushed the lies and doctors and nurses who continued to participate in hospital treatments that they knew would facilitate deaths, and all those involved in suppressing alternative treatments like Vitamin D, hydrochloroquine, ivermectin, zinc and quercitin, budesonide.