We've been told this is valid information
I'd rather it was actually substantiated.
For all I can tell, this entire thing is based on a single Tweet by some random person named Larry.
We've seen no evidence to support this rumor, no video of police returning a single Jerry can... or we'd be memeing the shit out of that video.
And the other video of people with lots of Jerry cans is from before the police started confiscating fuel.
I've been watching lifestreams from citizen journalists walking the streets of Ottawa all day and not a single mention of police returning Jerry cans was made by anyone.
Take it with a pinch of salt.
We've been told this is valid information
I'd rather it was actually substantiated.
For all I can tell, this entire thing is based on a single Tweet by some random person named Larry.
We've seen no evidence to support this rumor, no video of police returning a single Jerry can... or we'd be memeing the shit out of that video.
And the other video of people with lots of Jerry cans is from before the police started confiscating fuel.
Take it with a pinch of salt.
We've been told this is valid information
I'd rather it was actually substantiated.
For all I can tell, this entire thing is based on a single Tweet by some random person named Larry.
We've seen no evidence to support this rumor, no video of police returning a single Jerry can... or we'd be memeing the shit out of that video.
And the other video of people with lots of Jerry cans is from before the police confiscations started.
Take it with a pinch of salt.
We've been told this is valid information
I'd rather it was actually substantiated.
For all I can tell, this entire thing is based on a single Tweet by some random person named Larry.
We've seen no evidence to support this rumor, no video of police returning a single Jerry can.
And the other video of people with lots of Jerry cans is from before the police confiscations started.
Take it with a pinch of salt.