Without interest, people would not lend money. Without money available to borrow, how many people would own their own home? Granted, they have to pay a mortgage, but they are the beneficiaries of the increased value of the house, and they can pay it off and own the home free and clear. Who has the money to purchase a home for cash? Not many.
Remember what happened in 2007 with the collapse of the real estate market? The Gub'ment mandated that everyone should be able to get a loan. Interest rates were at record lows and people got in way over their head and defaulted on their loans creating an implosion in the RE market as foreclosures took over.
Without interest, people would not lend money. Without money available to borrow, how many people would own their own home? Granted, they have to pay a mortgage, but they are the beneficiaries of the increased value of the house, and they can pay it off and own the home free and clear. Who has the money to purchase a home for cash? Not many.