Vaccines create chronic disease (allergies and more), which is a slow kill meant to prevent humans from proliferating too much, and also to pollute their family gene pool. It's eugenics in disguise. Carefully designed not to just kill people off, but to kill them off in a deterministic way, where their family coffers can be funneled straight into the medical industrial complex until there's nothing left. And then they get to die. And their family is left in medical debts. Then repeat this process for a generation or two, and that's where we are now.
With some clever propaganda and lies, they can also roll the death jabs into a very large industry and economy which they claim is no different than standard medicine and the only way to "protect" you. Protect you from deadly viruses they themselves dig out of caves and research in labs and patent.
And finally, the people with a lot of geopolitical power/goals recognize how disease outbreaks can be used as a weapon to get their medics into any country, the humanitarian trojan horse, which is actually just imperial colonialism through vaccines. A simple, engineered, problem -> reaction ->solution that helps them plant their authority, first thru the humanitarian backdoor, then with a little time, they start funneling in thru the front door to install corporations and eventually democracy, the ultimate rotating door for all their agents and culture revolutions.
Vaccines create chronic disease (allergies and more), which is a slow kill meant to prevent humans from proliferating too much, and also to pollute their family gene pool. It's eugenics in disguise. Carefully designed not to just kill people off, but to kill them off in a deterministic way, where their family coffers can be funneled straight into the medical industrial complex until there's nothing left. And then they get to die. And their family is left in medical debts. Then repeat this process for a generation or two, and that's where we are now.
With some clever propaganda and lies, they can also roll the death jabs into a very large industry and economy which they claim is no different than standard medicine and the only way to "protect" you. Protect you from deadly viruses they themselves dig out of caves and research in labs and patent.
And finally, the people with a lot of geopolitical power/goals recognize how disease outbreaks can be used as a weapon to get their medics into any country, the humanitarian trojan horse, which is actually just imperial colonialism through vaccines. A simple, engineered, problem -> reaction ->solution that helps them plant their authority, first thru the humanitarian backdoor, then with a little time, they start funneling in thru the front door to install private corporations and eventually democracy, the ultimate rotating door for all their agents and culture revolutions.