I specifically said the conservatives "I know" not conservatives in general. I guess I run with a more enlightened crowd. We cannot be easily manipulated by anyone. (Btw no one in my "conservative" crowd is vaxxed. No one).
And fwiw I don't care what people call themselves. Words don't define us and that includes the labels we assign ourselves. We are much more complicated than that
I specifically said the conservatives "I know" not conservatives in general. I guess I run with a more enlightened crowd. We cannot be easily manipulated by anyone. (Btw no one in my crowd is vaxxed. No one).
And fwiw I don't care what people call themselves. Words don't define us and that includes the labels we assign ourselves. We are much more complicated than that
I specifically said the conservatives "I know" not conservatives in general. I guess I run with a more enlightened crowd. We cannot be easily manipulated by anyone.
And fwiw I don't care what people call themselves. Words don't define us and that includes the labels we assign ourselves. We are much more complicated than that
I specifically said the conservatives "I know". I guess I run with a more enlightened crowd. We cannot be easily manipulated by anyone.
And fwiw I don't care what people call themselves. Words don't define us and that includes the labels we assign ourselves. We are much more complicated than that
I specifically said the conssrvatives "I know". I guess I run with a more enlightened crowd
And fwiw I don't care what people call themselves. Words don't define us and that includes the labels we assign ourselves. We are more complicated than that