The $cience has changed!!!
We always thought that masks worked, we had no idea that the previous scientific consensus was that masks cause more harm than good.
Science told us that masks don't work, but then $cience told us that masks do work (Trust The $cience!!!), but the $cience changed and now we know that Science was right and so have just discovered, again, that masks don't work...
...but you still have to keep wearing a mask, because we say so and trust the $cience!
Brought to you by $cience!!! "You can trust us"!!!
The $cience has changed!!!
We always thought that masks worked, we had no idea that the previous scientific consensus was that masks cause more harm than good.
Science told us that masks worked (Trust The $cience!!!), but the $cience changed and we now know that masks don't work... but you still have to keep wearing a mask!
Brought to you by $cience!!! "You can trust us"!!!