Yeah but your mindset is not a healthy one my friend.
When it comes to jobs. No different then dating.
Someone is always going to be on the losing end no matter what.
If I came into a job against white people. And I happen to win.
It's best to let the chips fall as they fall.
Your deep analysis of doom isn't a good one.
I am not going to over think it and say my company hired me because they needed a black face.
As what I know right now. My company doesn't have some type of AA policy.
So I am going to asume they hired me because I could pass their test and sell myself.
If I find out they hired me because of AA.
I will leave.
I pray for you.
Your mindset about this is going to cause more harm then good to your mental state about life.
Yeah but your mindset is not a healthy one my friend.
When it comes to jobs. No different then dating.
Someone is always going to be on the losing end no matter what.
If I came into a job against white people. And I happen to win.
It's best to let the chips fall as they fall.
Your deep analysis of doom isn't a good one.
I am not going to over think it and say my company hired me because they needed a black face.
As what I know right now. My company doesn't have some type of AA policy.
So I am going to asume they hired me because I could pass their test and sale myself.
If I find out they hired me because of AA.
I will leave.
I pray for you.
Your mindset about this is going to cause more harm then good to your mental state about life.