I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out of 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
In fact, one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered as a sum), he posted less than one minute after Q THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day. Yeah, the 17th. :)
The mathematical odds of that occurring by random chance have been calculated by a patriot statistician as 1 in a number larger than the total number of vibrations of all atoms in the universe since the Big Bang.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after pulling the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening
I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out of 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
In fact, one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered as a sum), he posted less than one minute after Q THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day.
The mathematical odds of that occurring by random chance have been calculated by a patriot statistician as 1 in a number larger than the total number of vibrations of all atoms in the universe since the Big Bang.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after pulling the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening
I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out of 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
In fact, one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered if you make it a sum), he posted less than one minute after Q THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day.
The mathematical odds of that occurring by random chance have been calculated by a patriot statistician as 1 in a number larger than the total number of vibrations of all atoms in the universe since the Big Bang.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after pulling the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening
I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out of 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
One one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered if you make it a sum), he did this THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after pulling the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening
I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out of 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
One one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered if you make it a sum), he did this THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after pulling the trigger.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after someone pulled the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening
I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out of 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
One one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered if you make it a sum), he did this THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after someone pulled the trigger.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after someone pulled the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening
I am agnostic on Q just because we only have Ques words that he is a white hat in government.
No offense, but bullshit.
You have to explain why Donald Trump kept insisting on posting to social media within 60 seconds or less after Q did, proving that they were working together, coordinating their posting. That's called a "zero delta", referring to the number of minutes elapsed between the two posts of Q and Trump in each instance.
How did Q convince Trump to repeatedly do this behavior?
If it happened once or twice over the span of four years, no big deal. Three or four times? A little bit extreme, considering you're talking about both men accidentally happening to post within the same minute out 1,440 minutes in a 24-hour period.
Trump did this OVER THIRTY TIMES.
One one day, 2/17/19 (easily remembered if you make it a sum), he did this THREE SEPARATE TIMES. In a single day.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after someone pulled the trigger.
That is not "Ques" [sic] words that he is a white hat.
To label that "mere coincidence" would be no different than asserting the same of a bullet flying from the barrel of a gun after someone pulled the trigger.
If you didn't know this happened, then you aren't really agnostic on Q; rather, merely ignorant. (That's no sin, as Mark Twain rightly observed: "Everyone is ignorant, just on different topics.")
Welcome to the Great Awakening