After the EO is not a difficult concept to wrap your head around.
So when the great awakening happens and the world turns, in a spasm of correction for decades of social programming and the entire status quo is rendered asunder, you will still doubt it because of a brave (lol) search.
Nice. Stick to your guns. I will check in with you periodically to see if your menticide is complete.
I have a mantra or a prayer to help you on your journey. You should sing it in a Gregorian Chant style and it will assist your in maintaining your illusion in spite of reality:-
"NoTHinG Is HapPenNing, nor has it ever happened, nor will it ever happen so help me almighty God (of the doomers)"
After the EO is not a difficult concept to wrap your head around.
So when the great awakening happens and the world turns, in a spasm of correction for decades of social programming and the entire status quo is rendered asunder, you will still doubt it because of a brave (lol) search.
Nice. Stick to your guns. I will check in with you periodically to see if your menticide is complete.
I have a mantra or a prayer to help you on your journey. You should sing it in a Gregorian Chant style and it will assist your in maintaining your illusion in spite of reality:-
"NoTHinG Is HapPenNing, nor has it ever happened, nor will it ever happen so help me mighty God (of the doomers)"
After the EO is not a difficult concept to wrap your head around.
So when the great awakening happens and the world turns, in a spasm of correction for decades of social programming and the entire status quo is rendered asunder, you will still doubt it because of a brave (lol) search.
Nice. Stick to your guns. I will check in with you periodically to see if your menticide is complete.