I fell down a rabbit hole one night, about 10 years ago, reading this guys answers about being a Rothchild. I took it as being fake, but something about it always bothered me. https://archive.li/qERv5#selection-31.1-35.46
Some of the things he said hit home about it all being an illusion and other things made scary sense. Reading it in todays lens, is kinda freaky too.
I fell down a rabbit hole one night, about 10 years ago, reading this guys answers about being a Rothchild. I took it as being fake, but something about it always bothered me. https://archive.li/qERv5#selection-31.1-35.46
Some of the things he said hit home about it all being an illusion and other things made scary sense. Reading it in todays lense, is kinda freaky too.
I fell down a rabbit hole one night reading this guys answers about being a Rothchild. I took it as being fake, but something about it always bothered me. https://archive.li/qERv5#selection-31.1-35.46