However, UN forces, or even a NATO coalition on our soil, coming after us, won't ever happen.
I can give you about 150+ million reasons why, and it all stems from the 2nd Amendment. And that's just what is considered to be legal gun owners. Which is one reason why COVID came about. [they] couldn't conceivably occupy any U.S. territory thru brute force. And [they] can't exactly hide without us figuring it out before [they] all get to [their] bunkers.
In the event of a UN or NATO "peace keeping" force invading and occupying U.S. land, we'd go to war immediately and begin hunting these asshats down and executing [them] where we find 'em. I think that's what [they] were planning when all those posts about El'ites buying properties in N.Z. and Australia came out. But since we were all over it AND [they] are forced to disclose what [they] do before [they] do it, it put too much light on that subject. So, we got COVID instead. It wasn't just about keeping Trump out of the White House. It was about keeping us at home, locked down and in "fear."
Q thwarted all of that just by speaking out.
And now, [they]'re royally fucked. Literally.
That's why I don't believe we'll see a shooting war...maybe... until Durham gets closer to arresting one of the bigger fish, like [HRC], [Hussein], [Schiff], [Schumer], [Pelosi] or [Soros]. Realistically, I don't see any of them being arrested and tried. Not openly. These asshats will get the Poppy/No Name treatment., aka the "State Funeral." Or "The Ginsburg" or "The Kobe." ("natural causes" or "aircraft mishaps") Maybe even "The Scalia." (suicide weekend) Even then, I don't think we see a shooting war. Makes no sense.
If it does, it'll be in the form of terror attacks, militias vs terror groups aka proxy war, or maybe in the form of the U.S. (Trump/Patriots) vs the CCP (Cabal). Bit that won't be for a while yet. If ever.
What ever happens re Law of War/Devolution, eventually, the truth will out. It always does. You can't stop floods and deluges. You can only attempt (in vain) to divert the rushing waters, try to build yourself a sturdy enough boat, or flee to higher ground and hope for the best.
If this is all biblical (as in the days of Noah, so shall "the End" be), but it's a more "spiritual" war rather than kinetic, then it stands to reason Trump/Q is Noah/fam and built us an ark thru all the Q posts.
And it's beginning to rain.
However, UN forces, or even a NATO coalition on our soil, coming after us, won't ever happen.
I can give you about 150+ million reasons why, and it all stems from the 2nd Amendment. And that's just what is considered to be legal gun owners. Which is one reason why COVID came about. [they] couldn't conceivably occupy any U.S. territory thru brute force. And [they] can't exactly hide without us figuring it out before [they] all get to [their] bunkers.
In the event of a UN or NATO "peace keeping" force invading and occupying U.S. land, we'd go to war immediately and begin hunting these asshats down and executing [them] where we find 'em. I think that's what [they] were planning when all those posts about El'ites buying properties in N.Z. and Australia came out. But since we were all over it AND [they] are forced to disclose what [they] do before [they] do it, it put too much light on that subject. So, we got COVID instead. It wasn't just about keeping Trump out of the White House. It was about keeping us at home, locked down and in "fear."
Q thwarted all of that just by speaking out.
And now, [they]'re royally fucked. Literally.
That's why I don't believe we'll see a shooting war until Durham gets closer to arresting one of the bigger fish, like [HRC], [Hussein], [Schiff], [Schumer], or [Soros]. Realistically, I don't see any of them being arrested and tried. Not openly. These asshats will get the Poppy/No Name treatment. Or "The Ginsburg," "The Kobe." ("natural causes" or "aircraft mishaps") Maybe even "The Scalia." (suicide weekend)
Eventually, the truth will out. It always does. You can't stop floods and deluges.
And it's already raining.