Pretty much. But there's a fun side mission after Ukraine where we annex New Swabia in the antarctic. "Die Glocke" is hidden there (frozen in ice, obviously) and we'll need it to fight the reptilian lizard people running the CCP. If we get all the power-ups in Wuhan, Gaza and the West Bank should be a cinch. 🤔😜
(note: THIS is what real LARPing looks like... Lol)
Pretty much. But there's side mission after Ukraine where we annex New Swabia in the antarctic. "Die Glocke" is hidden there (frozen in ice, obviously) and we'll need it to fight the reptilian lizard people running the CCP. If we get all the power-ups in Wuhan, Gaza and the West Bank should be a cinch. 🤔😜
(note: THIS is what LARPing looks like... Lol)
Pretty much. But there's side mission after Ukraine where we annex New Swabia in the antarctic. "Die Glocke" is hidden there (frozen in ice, of course) and we'll need it to fight the reptilian lizard people running the CCP. If we get all the power-ups in Wuhan, Gaza and the West Bank should be a cinch. 🤔😜
(note: THIS is what LARPing looks like... Lol)