After Juan O’Savin’s live Question/Answer session yesterday with David Nino ( )it’s so so clear he is deep in with the actual White Hats, not a regular civilian Truther. Yesterday Juan has made it clear the coming “Near-Death” experience we will all see of America and other Patriot Countries is more an “experience” than totally all true. Yes, there will be Real Death and Destruction done people! The Cabal is going to Fight Back Hard! Though for us Awake People it’ll be more Matrix-like. What I mean and understand from Juan, It’ll be real to us, but more controlled/expected, than being caught off guard like many others. Of course Juan didn’t say when, but he did say it’ll be very soon. Right before Trump comes back. I’m going to assume it’ll be at the bottom of the market, people will be freaking out, then the full weight of the Vaxx/Boosters will come out clear to all, then there will be a few riots in the large blue cities in blue states, with people freaking out more. Then all the election stuff/fraud will be revealed and accepted as fact. And then as people then freak out on that, Trump will be brought back in, the arrests/justice will start, and then NESARA/GESARA will be brought in as a jubilee to bring us all out of the dark. Yes, Juan For The First Time FULLY Confirmed Devolution and NESARA/GESARA! Again this is all so we together can see/face the justice taking place, to be okay with it, and for the rest of us to go Where We Go One, We Go All, together in harmony.
And Juan did state we are sure as heck fighting for and with God on our side. Let me be clear, Juan Did Not state this part. But through signs, and bread crumbs clearly left in Fall of the Cabal Part 10, and as I’ve theorized openly before, Q-Level information came from Christ our Lord, whom is soon to come again. Why would I state this? Q did not get 5 years of perfect, true Intel/Info through human constructed String or Game Theory. I am 100% sure it came from Christ our Lord or God himself. This Is Biblical. That’s my opinion/theory and as God is my witness, I am sticking to it. God bless you all Anons and Patriots. WWG1WGA.
After Juan O’Savin’s live Question/Answer session with David Nino, it’s so so clear he is deep in with the actual White Hats, not a regular civilian Truther. Yesterday Juan has made it clear the coming “Near-Death” experience we will all see of America and other Patriot Countries is more an “experience” than totally all true. Yes, there will be Real Death and Destruction done people! The Cabal is going to Fight Back Hard! Though for us Awake People it’ll be more Matrix-like. What I mean and understand from Juan, It’ll be real to us, but more controlled/expected, than being caught off guard like many others. Of course Juan didn’t say when, but he did say it’ll be very soon. Right before Trump comes back. I’m going to assume it’ll be at the bottom of the market, people will be freaking out, then the full weight of the Vaxx/Boosters will come out clear to all, then there will be a few riots in the large blue cities in blue states, with people freaking out more. Then all the election stuff/fraud will be revealed and accepted as fact. And then as people then freak out on that, Trump will be brought back in, the arrests/justice will start, and then NESARA/GESARA will be brought in as a jubilee to bring us all out of the dark. Yes, Juan For The First Time FULLY Confirmed Devolution and NESARA/GESARA! Again this is all so we together can see/face the justice taking place, to be okay with it, and for the rest of us to go Where We Go One, We Go All, together in harmony.
And Juan did state we are sure as heck fighting for and with God on our side. Let me be clear, Juan Did Not state this part. But through signs, and bread crumbs clearly left in Fall of the Cabal Part 10, and as I’ve theorized openly before, Q-Level information came from Christ our Lord, whom is soon to come again. Why would I state this? Q did not get 5 years of perfect, true Intel/Info through human constructed String or Game Theory. I am 100% sure it came from Christ our Lord or God himself. This Is Biblical. That’s my opinion/theory and as God is my witness, I am sticking to it. God bless you all Anons and Patriots. WWG1WGA.