Dr. Robert Young found parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi in vial of Covid-19 vaccine.
When people become infected by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, they can get Chagas disease. The feces of insects called triatomine, or “kissing” bugs, transmits the parasite to humans. These bugs feed on the blood of animals and humans at night, and then they defecate. Infection can occur if you unknowingly wipe the feces into your eyes, nose, mouth, or a sore.
Chagas Disease Complications include:
Infected heart muscle (myocarditis)
Brain infection (meningoencephalitis)
Enlarged heart
Enlarged esophagus
Enlarged colon
Trypanosoma cruzi parasite in blood: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/trypanosoma-cruzi-parasite-picture-id1137554358?k=6&m=1137554358&s=170667a&w=0&h=9ZFswt4C-8j1GAsEvZ3LUR6tzMhoLQ8bSvkerQummgM=
Dr. Robert Young found parasite, Trypanosome cruzi in vial of Covid-19 vaccine.
When people become infected by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, they can get Chagas disease. The feces of insects called triatomine, or “kissing” bugs, transmits the parasite to humans. These bugs feed on the blood of animals and humans at night, and then they defecate. Infection can occur if you unknowingly wipe the feces into your eyes, nose, mouth, or a sore.
Chagas Disease Complications include:
Infected heart muscle (myocarditis)
Brain infection (meningoencephalitis)
Enlarged heart
Enlarged esophagus
Enlarged colon
Trypanosoma cruzi parasite in blood: https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/trypanosoma-cruzi-parasite-picture-id1137554358?k=6&m=1137554358&s=170667a&w=0&h=9ZFswt4C-8j1GAsEvZ3LUR6tzMhoLQ8bSvkerQummgM=