we're not the ones losing our shit all over board. Relax, Grab some popcorn etc...
Take a deep breath and think.
Why is the MSM pushing this so hard?
What are the MSM saying about it, what's thier narrative?
Can we trust what they are saying?
I think the ONLY thing we know about whats happening is that the MSM are full of shit. So we should be speculating and trying to figure out what actually IS going on.
The whole "RuS5iA R bAd" thing is boring, been pushed by the mainstream since the 60's and limits the scope of how you think and where you look.
we're not the ones losing our shit all over board. Relax, Grab some popcorn etc...
Take a deep breath and think.
Why is the MSM pushing this so hard?
What are the MSM saying about it, what's thier narrative?
Can we trust what they are saying?
I think the ONLY thing we know about whats happening is that the MSM are full of shit. So we should be speculating and trying to figure out what actually IS going on The whole "RuS5iA R bAd" thing is boring and limits the scope of where you look.
we're not the ones losing our shit all over board. Relax, Grab some popcorn etc...