OK but...
"Each man will live for his fellow man" and "we are all responsible for each other" doesn't sound at all like freedom to me. It sounds exactly like naked socialism.
Freedom sounds like "Each man will be responsible for himself and his family first, so he is then able to freely choose to help his fellow man."
Just my $.02
EDIT: LOL at the few brainwashed sheep who actually felt compelled to downvote this...so easily led...smh
OK but...
"Each man will live for his fellow man" and "we are all responsible for each other" doesn't sound at all like freedom to me. It sounds exactly like naked socialism.
Freedom sounds like "Each man will be responsible for himself and his family first, so he is then able to freely choose to help his fellow man."
Just my $.02
EDIT: LOL at the few brainwashed sheep who actually downvoted this...so easily led...mh
OK but...
"Each man will live for his fellow man" and "we are all responsible for each other" doesn't sound at all like freedom to me. It sounds exactly like naked socialism.
Freedom sounds like "Each man will be responsible for himself and his family first, so he is then able to freely choose to help his fellow man."
Just my $.02
EDIT: LOL at brainwashed sheep actually downvoting this...smh
OK but...
"Each man will live for his fellow man" and "we are all responsible for each other" doesn't sound at all like freedom to me. It sounds exactly like naked socialism.
Freedom sounds like "Each man will be responsible for himself and his family first, so he is then able to freely choose to help his fellow man."
Just my $.02