In this case, the rumors are a distortion of the fact that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Department of Defense of the United States of America entered into an agreement in 2005, while Republican U.S. President George W. Bush was in office, to “stem the threat of bio-terrorism by placing safeguards on deadly pathogens dating from a Soviet-era biological weapons program,”
Lol. Not only do they just admit that the US is co-funding and co-operating bio labs in Ukraine (thereby negating much of the rest of the argument) but they throw George Bush’s name in there as though THAT will convince us that this is a good thing.
I absolutely LOVE it when anyone tries to invoke George Bush or any other GOP politician in attempt to trip us up, as though we’re all just die hard partisan Republicans with cult like allegiance.
Makes proving how stupid they are that much easier.
And these people are stupid.
In this case, the rumors are a distortion of the fact that the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Department of Defense of the United States of America entered into an agreement in 2005, while Republican U.S. President George W. Bush was in office, to “stem the threat of bio-terrorism by placing safeguards on deadly pathogens dating from a Soviet-era biological weapons program,”
Lol. Not only do they just admit that the US is co-funding and co-operating bio labs in Ukraine (thereby negating the rest of the article) but they throw George Bush’s name in there as though THAT will convince us that this is a good thing.
I absolutely LOVE it when anyone tries to invoke George Bush or any other GOP politician in attempt to trip us up, as though we’re all just die hard partisan Republicans with cult like allegiance.
Makes proving how stupid they are that much easier.