And that region has been fighting Ukraine for 8 years since 2014. Russia wants Ukraine to comply with the terms of the Minsk agreements and allow Donetsk to determine its own future, which is why Russia took the step of recognizing Donetsk as an independent state.
How much longer should Russia wait? Was 8 years not long enough?
Should Ukraine and the Deep State sponsors be allowed to continue fighting a war against the people of Donetsk? Anybody who wants to remain with Ukraine has already left the region...
And that region has been fighting Ukraine for 8 years since 2014. Russia wants Ukraine to comply with the terms of the Minsk agreements and allow Donetsk to determine its own future, which is why Russia took the step of recognizing Donetsk as an independent state.
How much longer should Russia wait? Was 8 years not long enough?
Should Ukraine be allowed to continue fighting a war against the people of Donetsk? Anybody who wants to remain with Ukraine has already left the region...