Biggest scandal of all times?
This entire world is a giant scandal. There is no smaller event including this one that is so enormous it is the worst.of the worst.
The foundation is one driver among many that make the entire scandal huge.
These text are not that big. Bad stuff for sure but these aren't the crux of rhe matter by a long shot.
"Super classified materials" anyone with a clearance wouldn't talk like that. Something screwy here.
Also, her server coming out would not start war. How do I know? All of that is now coming out and we don't have war happening. Call Ukraine war if yku want but it's not.
This analyst is suspect and thior analysis doesn't follow classical analyst methods.
Sounds like it's written by some stoner in a basement.
They mention the Davy crockets but not whatnis k own about where they went. I happen to know but won't say. How's that.
Biggest scandal of all times?
This entire world is a giant scandal. There is no smaller event including this one that is so enormous it is the worst.of the worst.
The foundation is one driver among many that make the entire scandal huge.
These text are not that big. Bad stuff for sure but these aren't the crux of rhe matter by a long shot.
"Super classified materials" anyone with a clearance wouldn't talk like that. Something screwy here.
Also, her server coming out would not start war. How do I know? All of that is now coming out and we don't have war happening. Call Ukraine war if yku want but it's not.
This analyst is suspect and thior analysis doesn't follow classical analyst methods.
Sounds like it's written by some stoner in a basement.
Biggest scandal of all times?
This entire world is a giant scandal. There is no smaller event including this one that is so enormous it is the worst.of the worst.
The foundation is one driver among many that make the entire scandal huge.
These text are not that big. Bad stuff for sure but these aren't the crux of rhe matter by a long shot.
"Super classified materials" anyone with a clearance wouldn't talk like that. Something screwy here.