Unless you are Enoch or Elijah it’s safe to say that 99.999999% of all persons regardless of mental capability owe a death and will assuredly provide one.
So how does this work for the people that died within hours from stroke/blood clot or those who developed myocarditis within days of getting the shots? Those weren’t mind over matter/body situations and those people are still very dead of injured for life. You have ventured into the realm of megalomania or narcissism where you would actually post such a long winded pile of psychobabble and actually believe the 💩 you are spewing. Seriously this post is a dumpster fire 🔥 and your chosen handle is a direct reflection of what I am saying.
Understand something Don, I’m not trying to be a dick here but any rational, critically thinking person that reads your post would have to think that perhaps it’s time for an intervention. You are a gifted writer and should seriously consider using your talents as perhaps a fiction novel author, but your theories and speculations here just don’t pass the reality check.
So how does this work for the people that died within hours or those who developed myocarditis within days of getting the shots? Those weren’t mind over matter/body situations and those people are still very dead of injured for life. You have ventured into the realm of megalomania or narcissism where you would actually post such a long winded pile of psychobabble and actually believe the 💩 you are spewing. Seriously this post is a dumpster fire 🔥 and your chosen handle is a direct reflection of what I am saying.
Understand something Don, I’m not trying to be a dick here but any rational, critically thinking person that reads your post would have to think that perhaps it’s time for an intervention. You are a gifted writer and should seriously consider using your talents as perhaps a fiction novel author, but your theories and speculations here just don’t pass the reality check.
So how does this work for the people that died within hours or those who developed myocarditis within days of getting the shots? Those weren’t mind over matter/body situations and those people are still very dead of injured for life. You have ventured into the realm of megalomania or narcissism where you would actually post such a long winded pile of psychobabble and actually believe the 💩 you are spewing. Seriously this post is a dumpster fire 🔥 and your chosen handle is a direct reflection of what I am saying.
So how does this work for the people that died within hours or those who developed myocarditis within days of getting the shots? Those weren’t mind over matter/body situations and those people are still very dead of injured for life. You have ventured into the realm of megalomania or narcissism where you would actually post such a long winded pile of psychobabble and actually believe the 💩 you are spewing. Seriously this post is a dumpster fire 🔥 and your chosen handle is a direct reflection of what I am saying.