Hitler sympathisers...... I shit ‘em....!
There’s a simple difference between a communist and a Nazi (National Socialist)..... one favors a state that is controlled at all levels and the other a state that is controlled with corporate business elites.....
I find it amusing that we call the democrats policies as communist..... the truth is that the democrats are much more nazified than they are communist...... have been since the 1930’s......the Nazis took the Jim Crow laws and replaced colored with Jew.... FDR admired Hitler publicly, Time Magazine made Hitler man of the year in 1938, eugenics of the Nazis was shared with democrats in the USA and people like the Rockefellers Rothschilds et al.... today the democrats have more recently exchanged Colored for White.....and the irony is that they ultimately want to create a white elite ...... !
Nazism is better described as Corporatism...... that’s what the democrats and republicans are today.......
Hitler sympathisers...... I shit ‘em....!
There’s a simple difference between a communist and a Nazi (National Socialist)..... one favors a state that is controlled at all levels and the other a state that is controlled with corporate business elites.....
I find it amusing that we call the democrats policies as communist..... the truth is that the democrats are much more nazified than they are communist...... have been since the 1930’s...... they have more recently exchanged Jew for White.....and the irony is that they ultimately want to create a white elite ...... !
Nazism is better described as Corporatism...... that’s what the democrats and republicans are today.......