Deleting their savings, retirement funds, IRAs and Mutual Funds, cashing in stock investment portfolios, and most likely cashing in whatever little gold or silver they might have. Pawn shops are doing great, too. Every pawn shop I see in Volusia County has a packed parking lot. So you can count guns, electronics, tools, etc in that as well. Also, I've seen a lot of rental properties get foreclosed on and now those banks are selling the homes at a high price relative to the market and surrounding neighborhood's "real" property values. Also, rental properties going up for sale because the owners are seeing what's coming and are dumping their properties at a faster pace. Real estate companies and property management/investment firms are flush with homes right now, are buying up more properties at an alarming rate, and are driving the costs up even more. Not just Blackrock. There also tons of small businesses that are closing up shop or being sold because those owners can no longer afford the overhead costs. So theyre getting out now, while the getting's good and saving what they can. I see a lot of construction and lawn equipment for sale that were owned by contractors that have gone back to working for someone else because of the cost of fuel, lumber, steel, and other construction supplies. There's a ton of used tractor-trailers for sale, too.
Everything's for sale, it seems. All because people are losing the ability to afford the current fuel, food, and energy prices.
I also know plenty of people, like myself, who are now living with elderly parents or other family members because they themselves, or their loved ones, can't afford it any more. Or, they've seen the writing in the wall and are doing this to Steve off any coming hardships. Especially those with elderly or disabled parents, disabled siblings due to Iraq/Afghan wars, etc.
There's no way my parents can afford to live by themselves now, and there's no way I can afford it now, either. Energy prices in Volusia County were high enough before, especially in my area, where Duke Energy has a regional monopoly on energy. We've been paying over $350/mth for energy for years now. Last months bill was almost $400, and that's not from the A/C unit. It was cool enough during the day for the last few months where we didn't need it. But we've watched as our energy costs have steadily gone up since Buyden was "inaugurated."
Now, I'm not "poor," per se, but I definitely no longer view myself as part of the "middle class." There's another "class" forming in between the middle and lower/poor "classes," and that's where most of us fall into place.
At almost 46, I have assumed the role of Family Patriarch, not because of any deaths in the family, but because I'm not about to let my elders suffer. Even the ones who voted for Buyden, because eventually, they're gonna need me as they watch their savings and investments dwindle away.
I've made moves to help ensure that my family keeps eating, and I suggest y'all do this, too. Weapons/ammo for hunting, and tools/supplies for farming/gardening, folks. Buy it up now, while you still can. You'll thank me later.
Deleting their savings, retirement funds, IRAs and Mutual Funds, cashing in stock investment portfolios, and most likely cashing in whatever little gold or silver they might have. Pawn shops are doing great, too. Every pawn shop I see in Volusia County has a packed parking lot. So you can count guns, electronics, tools, etc in that as well. Also, I've seen a lot of rental properties get foreclosed on and now those banks are selling the homes at a high price relative to the market and surrounding neighborhood's "real" property values. Also, rental properties going up for sale because the owners are seeing what's coming and are dumping their properties at a faster pace. Real estate companies and property management/investment firms are flush with homes right now, are buying up more properties at an alarming rate, and are driving the costs up even more. Not just Blackrock. There also tons of small businesses that are closing up shop or being sold because those owners can no longer afford the overhead costs. So theyre getting out now, while the getting's good and saving what they can. I see a lot of construction and lawn equipment for sale that were owned by contractors that have gone back to working for someone else because of the cost of fuel, lumber, steel, and other construction supplies. There's a ton of used tractor-trailers for sale, too.
Everything's for sale, it seems. All because people are losing the ability to afford the current fuel, food, and energy prices.
I also know plenty of people, like myself, who are now living with elderly parents or other family members because people they're loved ones can't afford it. Especially the elderly. There's no way my parents can afford to live by themselves now, and there no way I can afford it now, either. And I'm not "poor," per se, but I definitely no longer view myself as part of the "middle class."