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Reason: None provided.

Alright, u/zeitreise asked me to respond as well. I am quite busy at the moment and might not be able to do much follow-up.

I'm interested to see if your strategy of simply telling liberals that Trump is the only obvious solution to these current problems "with emotion" is effective. I'm not really sure how it differs from what has already been going on, but I'm up to learn. I have a pretty good track record at predicting how normies will react to the theories around here, so I'm absolutely up to hear how you'd approach this with a normie on the street.

This was in response to Zeitreise's advice about "latching onto emotion" and that an effective redpill would be reminding "the sheep that anything bad that happens can be corrected if they just beg for Trump back."

I have strong doubts that this strategy would work, because I think that Zeitreise, and others here, have a misunderstanding of how many, if not most, if not the vast majority, of anti-Trump people are actually operating. When they suggest strategies like this, it makes me think they've fallen for their own straw-man arguments.

So when Zeitreise approaches a "sheep" and says, "Anything bad that happens can be corrected if [you] just beg for Trump back."

The normie response will be an amused smile, because no, we don't actually see the world as easily divided up into good guys and bad guys, and that if the guy I voted for isn't great, then Trump must have been the correct choice.

I can even hate Joe Biden, want him out of office in 2024, and still not want Trump to run. Because it's not a binary choice. Even if Joe Biden shits himself on television, that's not going to convince any liberal that Trump was a better choice.

The response is, "Yeah, we wanted someone better, but the liberal platform is diverse, and Biden offends nobody. You want a better Democratic President, then give us a non-Trump candidate that doesn't terrify people enough to unite every Democrat (and some Republicans) into voting against him, even for someone as dull as Biden."

And then they will walk away.

Because many people here assume that the worse job that Biden does, the more appealing Trump will seem. And that is simply not the case. We think Trump did a terrible job, and if Biden also does a terrible job, then we'll vote for someone else, and that person will not be remotely close to Trump or anyone Trump is endorsing.

No liberals are questioning the vaccine because Trump is pushing it. They don't care what Trump thinks about the vaccine, only you guys do.

I'm sure plenty of liberals have poor feelings toward Biden. I myself am no fan of him or Clinton. But there are no anti-Trumpers rethinking their position on Trump based on Biden's performance. They'll just want a better Democrat.

We know that the media is often biased. We know that facts are sometimes reported before they're confirmed. We know that rich criminals exist and that they sometimes conspire.

We get all that. And we accept all that. We want that stuff fixed too. But knowing these facts doesn't automatically mean that your theories about Q and Trump are actually the truth of the situation. There are explanations for all of these things that have nothing to do with Trump and Q fighting a secret war against a pedophile cabal.

So yeah, I've been plugged into this community since its inception. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how a "normie" doctor will react when you, say, bring in VAERS data to prove how dangerous the vaccine is. Because I know what the normie explanation for almost all Qincidences will probably be, and therefore am a pretty good preview of the defense you should expect to have to overcome with any redpill endeavor.

What's a normie? What's a sheep? It's apparently people who, either deliberately or by virtue of having never heard of Q, does not consider Q or his worldview to be a credible means of explaining or, more importantly, predicting reality. And therefore, people who will be unlikely to take your theories seriously in favor of ones that CAN consistently predict reality.

But maybe I'm wrong, and you guys really can manipulate non-Q people with strategies like reverse psychology and emphasizing Biden's blandness. You can try it in the real world and see if you win Trump any new voters, but I'm strongly doubting it. Trump is not winning favor from anti-Trumpers just because Biden is kind of dull.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Alright, u/zeitreise asked me to respond as well. I am quite busy at the moment and might not be able to do much follow-up.

I'm interested to see if your strategy of simply telling liberals that Trump is the only obvious solution to these current problems "with emotion" is effective. I'm not really sure how it differs from what has already been going on, but I'm up to learn. I have a pretty good track record at predicting how normies will react to the theories around here, so I'm absolutely up to hear how you'd approach this with a normie on the street.

This was in response to Zeitreise's advice about "latching onto emotion" and that an effective redpill would be reminding "the sheep that anything bad that happens can be corrected if they just beg for Trump back."

I have strong doubts that this strategy would work, because I think that Zeitreise, and others here, have a misunderstanding of how many, if not most, if not the vast majority, of anti-Trump people are actually operating. When they suggest strategies like this, it makes me think they've fallen for their own straw-man arguments.

So when Zeitreise approaches a "sheep" and says, "Anything bad that happens can be corrected if [you] just beg for Trump back."

The normie response will be an amused smile, because no, we don't actually see the world as easily divided up into good guys and bad guys, and that if the guy I voted for isn't great, then Trump must have been the correct choice.

I can even hate Joe Biden, want him out of office in 2024, and still not want Trump to run. Because it's not a binary choice. Even if Joe Biden shits himself on television, that's not going to convince any liberal that Trump was a better choice.

The response is, "Yeah, we wanted someone better, but the only person most liberals didn't hate was Biden. You want a better Democratic President, then give us a non-Trump candidate that doesn't terrify people enough to unite every Democrat (and some Republicans) into voting against him, even for someone like Biden."

And then they will walk away.

Because many people here assume that the worse job that Biden does, the more appealing Trump will seem. And that is simply not the case. We think Trump did a terrible job, and if Biden also does a terrible job, then we'll vote for someone else, and that person will not be remotely close to Trump or anyone Trump is endorsing.

No liberals are questioning the vaccine because Trump is pushing it. They don't care what Trump thinks about the vaccine, only you guys do.

I'm sure plenty of liberals have poor feelings toward Biden. I myself am no fan of him or Clinton. But there are no anti-Trumpers rethinking their position on Trump based on Biden's performance. They'll just want a better Democrat.

We know that the media is often biased. We know that facts are sometimes reported before they're confirmed. We know that rich criminals exist and that they sometimes conspire.

We get all that. And we accept all that. We want that stuff fixed too. But knowing these facts doesn't automatically mean that your theories about Q and Trump are actually the truth of the situation. There are explanations for all of these things that have nothing to do with Trump and Q fighting a secret war against a pedophile cabal.

So yeah, I've been plugged into this community since its inception. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how a "normie" doctor will react when you, say, bring in VAERS data to prove how dangerous the vaccine is. Because I know what the normie explanation for almost all Qincidences will probably be, and therefore am a pretty good preview of the defense you should expect to have to overcome with any redpill endeavor.

What's a normie? What's a sheep? It's apparently people who, either deliberately or by virtue of having never heard of Q, does not consider Q or his worldview to be a credible means of explaining or, more importantly, predicting reality. And therefore, people who will be unlikely to take your theories seriously in favor of ones that CAN consistently predict reality.

But maybe I'm wrong, and you guys really can manipulate non-Q people with strategies like reverse psychology and emphasizing Biden's blandness. You can try it in the real world and see if you win Trump any new voters, but I'm strongly doubting it. Trump is not winning favor from anti-Trumpers just because Biden is kind of dull.

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Alright, u/zeitreise asked me to respond as well. I am quite busy at the moment and might not be able to do much follow-up.

I'm interested to see if your strategy of simply telling liberals that Trump is the only obvious solution to these current problems "with emotion" is effective. I'm not really sure how it differs from what has already been going on, but I'm up to learn. I have a pretty good track record at predicting how normies will react to the theories around here, so I'm absolutely up to hear how you'd approach this with a normie on the street.

This was in response to Zeitreise's advice about "latching onto emotion" and that an effective redpill would be reminding "the sheep that anything bad that happens can be corrected if they just beg for Trump back."

I have strong doubts that this strategy would work, because I think that Zeitreise, and others here, have a misunderstanding of how many, if not most, if not the vast majority, of anti-Trump people are actually operating. When they suggest strategies like this, it makes me think they've fallen for their own straw-man arguments.

So when Zeitreise approaches a "sheep" and says, "Anything bad that happens can be corrected if [you] just beg for Trump back."

The normie response will be an amused smile, because no, that is so far from the truth.

I can even hate Joe Biden, want him out of office in 2024, and still not want Trump to run. Because it's not a binary choice. Even if Joe Biden shits himself on television, that's not going to convince any liberal that Trump was a better choice.

The response is, "Yeah, we wanted someone better, but the only person most liberals didn't hate was Biden. You want a better Democratic President, then give us a non-Trump candidate that doesn't terrify people enough to unite every Democrat (and some Republicans) into voting against him, even for someone like Biden."

And then they will walk away.

Because many people here assume that the worse job that Biden does, the more appealing Trump will seem. And that is simply not the case. We think Trump did a terrible job, and if Biden also does a terrible job, then we'll vote for someone else, and that person will not be remotely close to Trump or anyone Trump is endorsing.

No liberals are questioning the vaccine because Trump is pushing it. They don't care what Trump thinks about the vaccine, only you guys do.

I'm sure plenty of liberals have poor feelings toward Biden. I myself am no fan of him or Clinton. But there are no anti-Trumpers rethinking their position on Trump based on Biden's performance. They'll just want a better Democrat.

We know that the media is often biased. We know that facts are sometimes reported before they're confirmed. We know that rich criminals exist and that they sometimes conspire.

We get all that. And we accept all that. We want that stuff fixed too. But knowing these facts doesn't automatically mean that your theories about Q and Trump are actually the truth of the situation. There are explanations for all of these things that have nothing to do with Trump and Q fighting a secret war against a pedophile cabal.

So yeah, I've been plugged into this community since its inception. I feel like I have a pretty good idea of how a "normie" doctor will react when you, say, bring in VAERS data to prove how dangerous the vaccine is. Because I know what the normie explanation for almost all Qincidences will probably be, and therefore am a pretty good preview of the defense you should expect to have to overcome with any redpill endeavor.

What's a normie? What's a sheep? It's apparently people who, either deliberately or by virtue of having never heard of Q, does not consider Q or his worldview to be a credible means of explaining or, more importantly, predicting reality. And therefore, people who will be unlikely to take your theories seriously in favor of ones that CAN consistently predict reality.

But maybe I'm wrong, and you guys really can manipulate non-Q people with strategies like reverse psychology and emphasizing Biden's blandness. You can try it in the real world and see if you win Trump any new voters, but I'm strongly doubting it. Trump is not winning favor from anti-Trumpers just because Biden is kind of dull.

2 years ago
1 score